Guitar Player Review – TriplePlay Connect
Guitar Player Magazine Tests TriplePlay Connect

Matt Blackett is GP’s go to guy for in-depth and eclectic reviews. In August alone he has reviewed or done spotlight articles on amp simulation software, hybrid arpeggiation, recording interfaces, and digital combo amps. One of his latest efforts is a review of TriplePlay Connect (TPC).
Sometimes, it’s easier to start at the end. Matt’s summation of TPC is, “KUDOS – Easy installation. Fast, accurate tracking. Incredible musical tool. CONCERNS – None.” Boom!
So, why was Matt so blown away? He states, “With the debut of the iOS-compatible and super- affordable TriplePlay Connect, it seems certain that many more players will jump on the TriplePlay bandwagon. The Connect hardware consists of the same hex pickup that the (TriplePlay) Wireless system employs, along with a small, simple control module. Installation is straightforward and requires no permanent modifications, just a little double-sided tape (included).”
To meet his unforgiving deadline, Matt did a quick and makeshift installation of the TPC pickup. The result? “… here’s how forgiving this system is: To meet my looming deadline for this review, I positioned the hex pickup under the strings of my PRS Silver Sky without even using the height spacers, and affixed it with Scotch tape! I called up the free TriplePlay Connect app on my iPad…and it worked. Like, instantly, from the very first note I played. Now, I will obviously do a proper install as soon as time permits, but that should give you a sense of how unfussy this system is.”
TriplePlay connect purchases include the TPC app as part of the cost. The app is also available on the Apple App Store for purchase as a stand-alone. Matt continues, “The app itself is easy to understand and start to work with, but it’s also super deep… you get boatloads of great-sounding instruments, with the ability to layer any two or split them if you want to, say, put bass on the two low strings and organ on the top four. There are lots of loops in various styles that you can trigger on the fretboard… There’s a tuner, effects, EQ and more… Once you record something you like, you can share it in several file formats. If you take the time to get to know this app, you could create rich powerful music and use it in a live context as well.”
TriplePlay Connect can also interface with most any workstation that accepts a USB input. Blackett explains, “If you connect with the included USB cable, you can access synth programs and apps in any Mac or PC. I plugged into a Windows 10 machine, called up Cakewalk… inserted my favorite soft synth and was tracking right away. Ditto with Garage Band on my iPhone. It worked seamlessly and instantaneously. It’s just a great feeling.”
In summation, Matt describes TriplePlay Connect as “… the best I’ve ever tried… It’s fast and accurate. It can handle bends, vibrato and whammy bar work. For complex passages, I’ll generally go in and clean up a few notes (as I do with my regular guitar playing), but I can absolutely do things I could never do on a keyboard. I couldn’t imagine my studio without a TriplePlay, and the Connect gives me more options than ever. Bravo, Fishman!”
Read the full review Here
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